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safeDirection(Point2D, Collection<Point2D>) - Static method in enum net.talvi.puffinplot.plots.Direction
Given a "central" point and a collection of "peripheral" points, safeDirection attempts to find a quadrant containing no peripheral points.
sameHemisphere(Vec3) - Method in class
Returns true if and only if the supplied vector is in the same (upper/lower) hemisphere as this one.
Sample - Class in
This class represents a sample on which measurements have been made.
Sample(String, Suite) - Constructor for class
Creates a new sample.
sampleAzimuth - Variable in class
A sample azimuth value in degrees.
sampleChanged() - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.window.MainMenuBar
Alerts the menu bar that the current sample has changed.
sampleChanged() - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.window.MainWindow
Informs this window that the current sample has changed.
SampleChooser - Class in net.talvi.puffinplot.window
A component allowing a user to choose the current sample and the selected samples.
sampleClicked(Sample) - Method in interface net.talvi.puffinplot.plots.SampleClickListener
Invoked when a sample is clicked in a plot.
SampleClickListener - Interface in net.talvi.puffinplot.plots
An interface for classes which want to be notified of clicks on samples.
sampleDip - Variable in class
A sample dip value in degrees.
SampleEqualAreaPlot - Class in net.talvi.puffinplot.plots
An equal-area plot showing sample data.
SampleEqualAreaPlot(PlotParams) - Constructor for class net.talvi.puffinplot.plots.SampleEqualAreaPlot
Creates a sample equal-area plot with the supplied parameters.
SampleGroup - Interface in
An interface for any grouping of samples (at time of writing: a Site, Suite, or CoreSection).
SampleParamsLegend - Class in net.talvi.puffinplot.plots
A textual display of a set of parameters for a single sample.
SampleParamsLegend(PlotParams) - Constructor for class net.talvi.puffinplot.plots.SampleParamsLegend
Creates a new sample parameter legend with the supplied parameters.
SampleParamsTable - Class in net.talvi.puffinplot.plots
A table showing sample directions for the current site.
SampleParamsTable(PlotParams) - Constructor for class net.talvi.puffinplot.plots.SampleParamsTable
Creates a sample parameter table with the supplied parameters.
SampleRpiEstimate - Interface in
An estimate of relative palaeointensity for a single sample.
save(Preferences) - Method in class
Writes a string representation of the sensor lengths to a specified Preferences object.
save() - Method in class
If a default PuffinPlot file is set for this suite, saves the suite data to that file.
save - Variable in class net.talvi.puffinplot.PuffinActions
If a PuffinPlot file is associated with the current suite, the suite is saved to that file.
save() - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.PuffinApp
Saves the current suite under its current filename.
save(Suite) - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.PuffinApp
Saves the specified suite under its current filename.
save() - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.PuffinPrefs
Saves the preferences to the preferences backing store.
save(Consumer<String>, BiConsumer<String, String>) - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.RecentFileList
Stores the recent file list using the supplied remover and putter functions.
saveAs(File) - Method in class
Saves the data in this suite to a specified file.
saveAs - Variable in class net.talvi.puffinplot.PuffinActions
Opens a ‘save’ dialog box; the current suite is saved to the selected file in PuffinPlot format.
saveCalcsSample(File) - Method in class
Exports sample calculations to a specified file in CSV format.
saveCalcsSite(File) - Method in class
Exports site calculations to a specified file in CSV format.
saveCalcsSuite(File) - Method in class
Saves the Fisher mean direction for the whole suite to a file in CSV format
savedStateChanged(boolean) - Method in interface
This method is called when the Suite's save state changes.
saveToSvgBatik(String) - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.window.GraphDisplay
Writes the contents of this display to an SVG file using the Batik library.
saveToSvgFreehep(String) - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.window.GraphDisplay
Writes the contents of this display to an SVG file using the FreeHEP library.
scaleLine(Line2D, double) - Static method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.Util
Scales a line around its midpoint.
selectAll() - Method in class
Selects all the treatment steps within this sample.
selectAll - Variable in class net.talvi.puffinplot.PuffinActions
Within each selected sample, selects all the points.
selectByRectangle(Rectangle2D, boolean) - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.plots.Plot
Sets selection state for data points in a rectangle.
selectByTreatmentLevelRange(double, double) - Method in class
Selects all treatment steps within a certain treatment level range.
selectNone() - Method in class
De-selects all the treatment steps within this sample.
selectVisible() - Method in class
Selects all the visible (non-hidden) treatment steps within this sample.
SensorLengths - Class in
Represents the effective SQUID sensor lengths of a magnetometer, as determined by the response curves of the SQUID sensors.
SeparateSuiteEqualAreaPlot - Class in net.talvi.puffinplot.plots
An equal-area plot showing suite-level Fisher statistics.
SeparateSuiteEqualAreaPlot(PlotParams, Rectangle2D) - Constructor for class net.talvi.puffinplot.plots.SeparateSuiteEqualAreaPlot
Creates a suite equal-area plot with the supplied parameters.
set(int, T) - Method in class
Sets a specified custom field to a specified value.
set2gProtocol(TwoGeeLoader.Protocol) - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.PuffinPrefs
Sets the measurement protocol to use when opening 2G data files.
setAfX(double) - Method in class
For AF or ARM treatment, sets the x-axis AF field strength in tesla.
setAfY(double) - Method in class
For AF or ARM treatment, sets the y-axis AF field strength in tesla.
setAfZ(double) - Method in class
For AF or ARM treatment, sets the z-axis AF field strength in tesla.
setAmsDirections(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class
Sets the AMS data for the sample using the supplied principal directions.
setAmsFromTensor(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class
Sets the AMS data for this sample using the supplied tensor.
setArea(double) - Method in class
For continuous measurements, sets the cross-sectional area of the core.
setArmAxis(ArmAxis) - Method in class
For ARM treatment, sets the axis of the ARM field.
setArmField(double) - Method in class
For ARM treatment, sets the ARM bias field strength.
setAxisScaleLocked(boolean) - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.PuffinPrefs
Sets whether the axis scale is locked across all samples in the current suite.
setCorrection(Correction) - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.PuffinApp
Sets the correction to apply to the displayed data.
setCorrection(Correction) - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.window.ControlPanel
Sets the correction to apply to magnetic moment data.
setCorrections(double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class
Sets the orientation corrections for this sample's magnetic moment data.
setCurrentSampleIndex(int) - Method in class
Sets the index defining the current sample.
setCurrentSuite(int) - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.PuffinApp
Sets the currently displayed Suite.
setDepth(String) - Method in class
Set the depth of this sample.
setDepth(String) - Method in class
For continuous measurements, sets the depth of this measurement within the core.
setDimensions(Rectangle2D) - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.plots.Plot
Sets the dimensions of this plot.
setDimensions(Rectangle2D) - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.plots.SiteEqualAreaPlot
setDimensionsToDefault() - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.plots.Plot
Resets the plot's dimensions to the default, as defined in Plot.DEFAULT_PLOT_POSITIONS.
setDiscreteId(String) - Method in class
Sets the discrete ID of this sample by setting the discrete IDs of its TreatmentStep objects, if the sample has any TreatmentStep objects.
setDiscreteId(String) - Method in class
For discrete samples, sets the sample identifier (name).
setDragPlotMode(boolean) - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.window.GraphDisplay
Sets whether the plots are draggable by the user.
setEmptySlot(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether this sample is an empty slot on the measurement tray.
setFormAz(double) - Method in class
Sets the formation dip azimuth.
setFormDip(double) - Method in class
Sets the formation dip angle.
setFormStrike(double) - Method in class
Sets the formation strike for this treatment step.
setGroupedBySite(boolean) - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.plots.SeparateSuiteEqualAreaPlot
Sets whether the Fisher means are to be grouped by site.
setHidden(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether this treatment step should be hidden on plots.
setImportedDirection(Vec3) - Method in class
Sets an imported direction for this sample.
setInPca(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether this measurement is to be used for a PCA fit.
setIrmField(double) - Method in class
For IRM treatment, sets the IRM field strength in tesla.
setLine(Line) - Method in class
Sets the measurement's data-file line.
setLocation(Location) - Method in class
Sets the location of this site.
setMagDev(double) - Method in class
Sets the local geomagnetic field declination for the sampling site.
setMagDevAppliedToFormation(boolean) - Method in class
setMagSus(double) - Method in class
Sets the magnetic susceptibility of the sample at this stage of treatment.
setMeasurementType(MeasurementType) - Method in class
Sets the type of this measurement (discrete or continuous).
setMoment(Vec3) - Method in class
Sets the sample's magnetic dipole moment per unit volume in A/m.
setMomentToMean(List<TreatmentStep>) - Method in class
Sets the magnetization vector of this datum to the mean of the magnetization vectors of data.
setNamedSiteForSamples(Collection<Sample>, String) - Method in class
Explicitly sets a site for the specified samples.
setNameOrDepth(String) - Method in class
Set the identifier of a sample.
setOnCircle(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether this measurement is to be used for a great-circle fit.
setPcaAnchored(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether principal component analysis should be anchored for this sample
setPcaAnchored(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether PCA fits for this point should be anchored.
setPcaAnchored(boolean) - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.PuffinPrefs
Sets whether PCA fits should be anchored to the origin.
setRecentFiles(RecentFileList) - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.PuffinApp
Sets the list of recently used files (allowing it to be restored after restarting the application).
setRotation(Correction.Rotation) - Method in class
Sets the rotation correction.
setRunNumber(int) - Method in class
Sets the number of the machine run during which this measurement was made.
setSampAz(double) - Method in class
Sets the sample's dip azimuth.
setSampDip(double) - Method in class
Sets the sample's dip angle.
setSampHade(double) - Method in class
Sets the sample hade for this treatment step.
setSample(Sample) - Method in class
Sets the sample on which this measurement was made.
setSaved(boolean) - Method in class
Sets this suite's "saved" flag, which records whether the suite has been saved since its last modification.
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the selection state of this treatment step.
setSelectionBitSet(BitSet) - Method in class
Sets the selection state of the sample's treatment steps from a supplied bit set.
setSensorLengths(SensorLengths) - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.PuffinPrefs
Sets the effective sensor lengths for opening 2G data files.
setSite(Site) - Method in class
Sets the site for this sample.
setSiteName - Variable in class net.talvi.puffinplot.PuffinActions
Opens a dialog box allowing the user to specify a site name for the selected samples.
setSiteNamesByDepth(Collection<Sample>, double) - Method in class
Sets site names for a continuous suite according to the depth of the samples.
setSiteNamesBySubstring(Collection<Sample>, BitSet) - Method in class
Sets site names for samples according to chosen characters from the sample names.
setSitesByDepth - Variable in class net.talvi.puffinplot.PuffinActions
Opens a dialog box allowing the user to specify a site thickness, which is then used to divide a long core suite into sites based on sample depths.
setSitesForSamples(Collection<Sample>, Suite.SiteNamer) - Method in class
Sets sites for supplied samples according to a supplied site namer.
setSitesFromSampleNames - Variable in class net.talvi.puffinplot.PuffinActions
Opens a dialog box allowing the user to specify which characters of the currently selected samples should be used to determine the site name.
setSize(int, T) - Method in class
Sets the size of the list of custom fields.
setSlotNumber(int) - Method in class
Sets the number of the measurement tray slot in which the sample was measured.
setSuite(Suite) - Method in class
Sets the data suite containing this measurement.
setTemperature(double) - Method in class
For thermal treatment, sets the temperature in degrees Celsius.
setTimestamp(String) - Method in class
Sets the timestamp of this measurement.
setTreatmentSteps(List<TreatmentStep>) - Method in class
Replace the current treatment step cache with a supplied list.
setTreatmentType(TreatmentType) - Method in class
Sets the treatment applied before this measurement (AF, thermal, etc.).
setTreatType - Variable in class net.talvi.puffinplot.PuffinActions
Shows a window allowing the user to set the treatment type for the selected samples.
setValue(TreatmentParameter, String) - Method in class
Sets the value of a specified field for each treatment step in the sample.
setValue(TreatmentParameter, String, double) - Method in class
Sets the value of a specified treatment parameter using a string.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.plots.Plot
Sets whether this plot should be drawn.
setVolume(double) - Method in class
For discrete measurements, sets the volume of the sample.
setX(double) - Method in class
Sets the x component of this vector.
setXDrift(double) - Method in class
Sets the x drift correction value.
setY(double) - Method in class
Sets the y component of this vector.
setYDrift(double) - Method in class
Sets the y drift correction value.
setZ(double) - Method in class
Sets the z component of this vector.
setZDrift(double) - Method in class
Sets the z drift correction value.
show() - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.PuffinApp
Shows the main window of this PuffinApp.
show() - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.window.AlignDeclinationsDialog
Show the dialog, and perform the alignment if appropriate.
show() - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.window.RpiDialog
Show this RPI dialog.
showCalculateRpiDialog() - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.PuffinApp
Calculates RPI using two loaded suites.
showCiteDialog - Variable in class net.talvi.puffinplot.PuffinActions
Opens the Citation window.
showCreateBundleDialog() - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.PuffinApp
Shows the dialog for creating and exporting a data and code bundle.
showCustomFlagsWindow - Variable in class net.talvi.puffinplot.PuffinActions
Opens a window which allows the user to edit the list of user-defined flags for the current suite.
showCustomFlagsWindow() - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.PuffinApp
Shows the window for editing the titles of the custom flags.
showCustomNotesWindow - Variable in class net.talvi.puffinplot.PuffinActions
Opens a window which allows the user to edit the list of user-defined note headings for the current suite.
showCustomNotesWindow() - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.PuffinApp
Shows the window for editing the titles of the custom notes.
showDialog(String, Frame, SwingWorker<Void, Void>) - Static method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.window.ProgressDialog
Create and show a progress dialog for a supplied SwingWorker.
showDiscreteToContinuousDialog() - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.PuffinApp
Shows the dialog for a discrete to continuous sample conversion.
showEditSampleParametersDialog - Variable in class net.talvi.puffinplot.PuffinActions
Opens a window allowing the user to edit the sample and formation orientations and the local magnetic declination.
showImportAmsDialog() - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.PuffinApp
Shows an ‘open files’ dialog box; if the user selects any files, AMS data will be imported from them.
showImportPreferencesDialog() - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.PuffinApp
Shows an ‘open file’ dialog box; if the user selects a file, the current preferences will be overwritten with preferences data from that file.
showMacOpenFolderDialog() - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.PuffinApp
Show the "Open folder" dialog on Mac OS X.
showOpenFilesDialog(boolean) - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.PuffinApp
Shows an ‘open files’ dialog box.
showOverMainWindow() - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.window.RemoveByDepthRangeDialog
Show this dialog, centred over the PuffinPlot app's main window.
showPageSetupDialog() - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.PuffinApp
Opens the page setup dialog box.
showPreferences() - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.PuffinApp
Opens the preferences window.
showPrintDialog(String) - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.PuffinApp
Shows a print dialog.
showRescaleMagSusDialog() - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.PuffinApp
Scales all magnetic susceptibility values in the current suite by a user-specified factor.
showRunJavascriptScriptDialog() - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.PuffinApp
Opens a file selection dialog and runs the Javascript script (if any) which the user selects from that dialog.
showRunPythonScriptDialog() - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.PuffinApp
Opens a file selection dialog and runs the Python script (if any) which the user selects from that dialog.
SimpleLoadedData - Class in
A simple implementation of the LoadedData interface.
SimpleLoadedData() - Constructor for class
SimpleOptionDefinition - Class in
A simple implementation of the OptionDefinition interface.
SimpleOptionDefinition(String, String, Class, Object, boolean) - Constructor for class
Site - Class in
A site is a grouping of samples within a suite.
Site(String, List<Sample>) - Constructor for class
Creates a site containing the specified samples.
Site(String) - Constructor for class
Creates a site containing no samples.
SiteEqualAreaPlot - Class in net.talvi.puffinplot.plots
An equal-area plot showing data for a site.
SiteEqualAreaPlot(PlotParams, Rectangle2D) - Constructor for class net.talvi.puffinplot.plots.SiteEqualAreaPlot
Creates a site equal area plot with the supplied parameters.
SiteEqualAreaPlot(PlotParams) - Constructor for class net.talvi.puffinplot.plots.SiteEqualAreaPlot
Creates a site equal area plot with the supplied parameters.
SiteMeanDisplay - Class in net.talvi.puffinplot.window
A graph display containing a single equal-area plot which shows data for a site.
SiteMeanDisplay(PlotParams) - Constructor for class net.talvi.puffinplot.window.SiteMeanDisplay
Creates a new site mean graph display.
SiteMeanWindow - Class in net.talvi.puffinplot.window
A window containing a site mean graph display.
SiteMeanWindow(PlotParams) - Constructor for class net.talvi.puffinplot.window.SiteMeanWindow
Creates a new site mean window.
siteName(Sample) - Method in interface
Determines a site name from a sample name.
SiteParamsLegend - Class in net.talvi.puffinplot.plots
This plot shows site directions in textual form.
SiteParamsLegend(PlotParams) - Constructor for class net.talvi.puffinplot.plots.SiteParamsLegend
Creates a site data table with the supplied parameters.
SiteParamsTable - Class in net.talvi.puffinplot.plots
A table showing site mean directions for the whole suite.
SiteParamsTable(PlotParams) - Constructor for class net.talvi.puffinplot.plots.SiteParamsTable
Creates a site parameter table with the supplied parameters.
size() - Method in class
Returns the number of values in this list.
sortSamplesByDepth() - Method in class
Sorts this suite's samples in ascending order of depth
SOURCE_URL_STRING - Static variable in class net.talvi.puffinplot.JythonJarManager
A string representation of the URL from which the jython jar is downloaded.
specifiesDirection() - Method in class
Determines whether this format specifies a three-dimensional direction.
specifiesFullVector() - Method in class
Determines whether this format specifies a full magnetization vector.
spherInterpDir(Vec3, Vec3, Vec3, double) - Static method in class
Interpolates a great-circle path in a chosen direction between two specified vectors.
spherInterpolate(Vec3, Vec3, double) - Static method in class
Given two vectors, interpolates unit vectors along a great-circle path between them.
StepwiseSampleRpiEstimate - Class in
An estimate of relative palaeointensity for a single sample, normalized by a stepwise series of AF fields.
Suite - Class in
A suite of data, containing a number of samples.
Suite(String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new, empty suite.
Suite.MissingSampleNameException - Exception in
This exception indicates that a supplied argument did not contain an expected sample name.
Suite.SavedListener - Interface in
A listener interface for modifications to the Suite's save state.
Suite.SiteNamer - Interface in
A SiteNamer turns a sample name into a site name.
SuiteCalcs - Class in
Represents a set of calculations for a suite of data.
SuiteCalcs(SuiteCalcs.Means, SuiteCalcs.Means, SuiteCalcs.Means, SuiteCalcs.Means) - Constructor for class
Creates a new SuiteCalcs object.
SuiteCalcs.Means - Class in
Fisher statistics for the suite.
SuiteEqAreaDisplay - Class in net.talvi.puffinplot.window
A graph display which contains a single equal-area plot of Fisher means at suite level.
SuiteEqAreaDisplay(PlotParams) - Constructor for class net.talvi.puffinplot.window.SuiteEqAreaDisplay
Creates a new suite equal-area graph display
SuiteEqAreaWindow - Class in net.talvi.puffinplot.window
A window to hold a SuiteEqAreaDisplay.
SuiteEqAreaWindow(PuffinApp) - Constructor for class net.talvi.puffinplot.window.SuiteEqAreaWindow
Creates a new suite equal-area window.
SuiteEqualAreaPlot - Class in net.talvi.puffinplot.plots
An equal-area plot data for an entire suite.
SuiteEqualAreaPlot(PlotParams) - Constructor for class net.talvi.puffinplot.plots.SuiteEqualAreaPlot
Creates a suite equal area plot with the supplied parameters.
suiteMeans - Variable in class net.talvi.puffinplot.PuffinActions
Calculates Fisher statistics on sample PCA directions for all selected samples, and on site means for all selected sites.
SuiteParamsTable - Class in net.talvi.puffinplot.plots
A table which displays site location and VGP data.
SuiteParamsTable(PlotParams) - Constructor for class net.talvi.puffinplot.plots.SuiteParamsTable
Creates a suite parameter table with the supplied parameters.
SuiteRpiEstimate<EstimateType extends SampleRpiEstimate> - Class in
A collection of RPI estimates.
suitesChanged() - Method in class net.talvi.puffinplot.window.MainWindow
Informs this window that the list of currently loaded data suites has changed.
sum(Collection<Vec3>) - Static method in class
Returns the sum of a specified collection of vectors.
swapAdjacent(int) - Method in class
Swaps the values in two adjacent positions within this custom field list.
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