PuffinPlot issue tracker

Bug: a88/e4b

ID : e4b94d60-a9c9-4ffe-b85a-f5c6454edde7
Short name : a88/e4b
Status : open
Severity : minor
Assigned :
Reporter : Pontus Lurcock <pont@talvi.net>
Creator : Pontus Lurcock <pont@talvi.net>
Created : Fri, 23 Nov 2012 02:56:34 +0000
Target : 1.5
Summary : Simultaneous treatment of fits with different corrections [259]

Comment: --------- Comment ---------
ID: 2ec1c093-742b-40e3-a4d7-7110a67c0d5a
Short name: a88/e4b/2ec
From: Pontus Lurcock <pont@talvi.net>
Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2012 02:56:34 +0000

JMG writes:
I was playing around today with outputs and was wondering if there was a
way to customize it.  At present it only puts out sample and site
directions in one coordinate system (I assume this is in stratigraphic
coordinates??).  It would be good to output both geo and strat coords.

Dealing with this would probably require some rearchitecting to
store the different corrections simultaneously -- see also #247,
multiple fits per sample. These two should probably be implemented