PuffinPlot issue tracker

Bug: a88/168

ID : 168b7b0f-5aee-45ff-9866-840eaea7afbe
Short name : a88/168
Status : open
Severity : minor
Assigned :
Reporter : Pontus Lurcock <pont@talvi.net>
Creator : Pontus Lurcock <pont@talvi.net>
Created : Mon, 19 Dec 2011 18:09:37 +0000
Target : 1.5
Summary : General API for plot options [201]

Comment: --------- Comment ---------
ID: 2794865a-e600-4b18-8fe2-8747fd0d2ed3
Short name: a88/168/279
From: Pontus Lurcock <pont@talvi.net>
Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2011 18:09:37 +0000

It would be useful to have a system whereby a plot can declare
which options it wants to read out of the preferences, and 
PuffinPlot can automatically create GUI elements in the Preferences
window for the user to modify them. (Number of buckets in NRM
histogram, line tapering in equal-area plots, etc.) One complication:
some plot options (such as the aforementioned number-of-buckets)
would probably be better as suite-level rather than application-level
preferences. Not a trivial job in any case.